New Video Game Research Shows Benefits for Children

During the COVID-19 shutdown and subsequent social isolation, more people, not surprisingly, turned to gaming. In point of fact, the pandemic prompted many individuals who might be wary of spending too much time in front of a screen to reconsider the value of video games, as evidenced by a headline in The New York Times: The screen-time debate was ended by the corona virus. The screen won.

During an unprecedented time, children completed their schoolwork online and kept in touch with friends and family through games and other apps. Consequently, despite the benefits, some parents are still concerned about the increase in screen time. Was the trade-off acceptable?

Fortunately, research shows that children’s mental health and well-being were not significantly affected by this increased use of digital technology.

Additionally, this conclusion is reached by additional video game research from 2022 that can be found at Science Daily:Computer games can really assist with helping youngsters’ insight.

Computer game Exploration at the Karolinska Establishment

Specialists at Sweden’s Karolinska Organization concentrated on American youngsters’ screen time and observed their mental turn of events. Additionally, they investigated the effects of social media use and television viewing.

The outcomes Intelligence increased in children who played video games for longer than average. The use of social media, television, or both had no effect on intelligence or cognition. Along these lines, there’s plainly something else about playing computer games.

In the United States, over 9,000 children between the ages of nine and ten took part.Psychological tests were used to establish general intelligence levels at the start of the study.They asked the children and their parents how much time they spent playing video games, using social media, and watching videos.

Over 5,000 of these kids took the tests again two years later.The genetic differences, as well as those relating to parental income and educational backgrounds, as well as the individual differences of the children, were taken into account when researchers compared the results of the initial tests to those of the follow-up tests.

The outcome:The IQ of children who spent more time playing video games than the average was 2.5 points higher.The following is the professor of cognitive neuroscience’s commentary:Our findings lend credence to the assertion that children’s cognitive abilities are generally unaffected by screen time and that playing video games can actually enhance intelligence.Several experimental studies of video game play support this.”

A Look at Active Video Games One of the most common reasons people don’t like playing video games is that they don’t get enough physical activity, which is good for your health.Here’s additional data about the sum and sorts of suggested actual work by age.)

In a different study, experts investigated whether child nurseries get enough exercise from playing active video games.The short answer is that this moderate to light activity does not supply sufficient physical activity. Thus, additional forms of exercise are required: going to the park, climbing, jumping rope, running, playing with a ball, etc.More outdoor activities for kids are listed here.

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